99¢ Special - Shirtkiller
Exit - Music, Lyrics

All and all I feel
The energy's been wasted
Tried to hard went by unappreciated
Sacrafice as much towards all possessions
A might price to pay
For respect of decisions

Working for a goal set by others
Temporary collaspe triggers a recover
Until the last mistake has been made
What comes so quick starts to fade
Trying to make lasting impressions
Narrow a choice in a moments decision
Reaching out to something in the distance
Working around any and all resistance

All and all I feel
The energy's been wasted
Tried to hard went by unappreciated
Sacrafice as much towards all possessions
A might price to pay
For respect of decisions

Lyrics ©1992 H.O.W.D.Y. Media

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©2000-2004 H.O.W.D.Y. Media