Murphy's - Syracuse, NY

It's time for the attack! 99 emerges for a night of noise and chaos.

This was an interesting show in that it really was a practice run of the new configuration. At this time, 99 had moved to playing as much as possible live without a backing track. This meant someone had to play samples and someone else keys. This also meant that someone needed to play the electronic drums.

While this was getting close to be a reality, I'm not sure if it went down that way. I do know that Billy was there, and believe he played some part of this show, making the band Exit, Darren, Rayzor, and Billy. There was a revolving door of new keyboardists at this time, perhaps I played the keys myself.

What I do know is the show was sloppy. The best memory was that I had Billy tweeze some back hairs before the show, much to his discomfort. I also left behind one of the tubular bells I made for "Fives?" when we left the venue.

This show was just a few days before Darren and Exit flew to Berlin to sing in a 100-person choir for Einstürzende Neubauten.

Show Details:
Friday, October 29th 2004 @ Murphy's - Syracuse, NY
107 West Fayette Street (Formerly Anna's)
Backyard Halloween Monster Jam
With Malachai, Yesterday Tommorow, Bitch Cassidy, and Motortramp
Doors open at 8pm, $5 for those over 21, $7 for under

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Posted by: Exit September 3, 2008 11:21:27 PM
Another floppy show thanks to losing a keyboard player once again. This was some mess, not quite the send of me and Darren wanted before going to Germany to perform with Einsturzende Neubauten.
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