Old City Hall - Oswego, NY

Some time after the last show in 1993, Darren was swallowed up in to Syracuse. With Exit still in Oswego, 99 shows were shelfed. While he continued writing music, the future felt bleak as Darren offered so much and the thought of 99 without Darren even after only 4 shows just didn't seem to feel right.

Darren eventually returned to the delight of all. 99 was back in action, and plans for the first show of the year started immediately. With the concept of using shows as practice, the first show was booked without concern of readiness. It was to be another night of 99 performing alone and for two sets. With Maria no longer behind the keys, 99 stole the drummer of Zadoc to fill the gap. Ray had never played a keyboard at that point, but he was willing to learn.

With the renewed line-up, a pact was made that dedication was the most important aspect to consider. Ray was not a keyboardist, but he worked hard with Exit to learn some parts. Admittingly, his performance during this first show for him was not very promising. A critisizism was the lack of energy he gave, crowned with the fact he sat on a stool during the show.

This show was painful to remember, much less watch. It would set the standard for bad performances on many levels by all involved. The greatest part was it was the first to be successfully video taped for the majority of the show. This gave the band a means of reviewing the performance. This video showed the mistakes, it showed what parts were weak, it make clear what songs will carry on to the following shows.

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